Partner Success

Ultimate Solution for

Partner Onboarding Training

Streamline your partner onboarding process, equip them with in-depth product knowledge, and foster a collaborative learning environment, all within the Acadle platform

Key Features Tailored for Partner Success

Equip your partners with features that enhance learning, boost engagement, and ensure consistent training. Explore how each feature supports your partner onboarding and training goals

partner onboarding engage with leaderboards gamification
Content and publishing

Engage with Leaderboards & Gamification

Boost partner engagement with Acadle’s Leaderboard and Gamification. Earn points, unlock achievements, and gain certifications to highlight skills and dedication.

Analytics and reports

Collaborative Partner Community Forum

Enhance collaboration with Acadle’s Community Forum, where partners can discuss challenges, share solutions, and stay updated on product developments.

partner onboarding collaborative partner
partner onboarding integration
Learn, share, and connect

Seamless Integration with 'Widget

With Acadle’s ‘Widget’, provide an uninterrupted experience by embedding the academy right within your existing platform. This ensures partners can access essential training modules and resources without the need to navigate away, resulting in a seamless and efficient learning experience.

Well-Trained Partners Drive Sales

Recent studies show that well-trained partners boost sales by 65% and retention by 50%. Acadle's training modules not only enhance partner expertise but also cultivate future sales leaders.

emplyee training upskilling
compliance training insight