In a time when we are completely dependent on technology and how differently it has molded our lives, does anything like digital detox exist?
A digital detox means taking a break from the internet and completely disconnecting from social media, the web, or anything of the sort.
Frequent Phone Use Can Disrupt Sleep. 7summitpathways.Com
Let’s take a closer look
When we look at the usability and versatility of the internet, it’s vast, but it has its demerits as well. Excessive exposure to the internet will negatively affect mental health, relationships, and sleeping patterns.
But we are also constantly providing newer solutions for automation and talking about digital transformation. It has also benefited hybrid and remote styles of working for employees and employers.
The two sides of technology are interrelated, and it is impossible to ignore one at the cost of the other.
But removing yourself for a while from the internet will help you gain perspective and better adopt the newer technology.

We see people around us checking their phones every minute just to see if there is any kind of notifications. They are immediately triggered by the notification sound of the message, app update, call, or anything else.
Even in your workplaces, you might have noticed during meetings too, people tend to check their phones continuously.
So, what will be the solution to it? Does giving oneself a digital detox retreat and keeping away from the internet will help? Let us see further
Let’s dig more into the problem
Technology is not the entire problem. When it has become such an integral part of our lives, it is difficult to take it out now and expect our lives to run smoothly. But we can always limit the overdose of it and teach people how to use technology and resources mindfully.
You can have a detox maybe for a week or some days while going to a beach or mountains. You can throw your phone or laptop back at home but after a few days, you will feel the urge to check the DMs, and emails or catch up with the latest world news.
So, reducing the overload of technology in your lives is the only solution. Let us see how can we achieve it:
How can you reduce the overload in workplaces?
1. Keep all the information in one place
During your training programs, if the information is scattered all over the place, your employees have to hover around to gather the required. This will take more time and also utilize their efforts.
To rectify this, you must build a platform that can help you provide the information in one place. The employees just have to access one resource book and everything will be at their fingertips.
If they have to search for the resources first and then learn, it can make them uninterested in the program.
2. Ask for feedback
When you are confused if you should include the detox culture at work, the best way to find out is by asking the employees themselves. You can tell them about the methods you want to introduce in the workplace and ask if they find them relevant.
You must be open to any suggestions that can help you reduce the tech overload for your employees.
3. Conditions of communication
There are many companies that are putting fines for disturbing any employee on weekends or holidays.
It is important for companies to stretch boundaries on how and when they can access their employees. You cannot call an employee on Sunday afternoon and ask to complete the task before the end of the day.
There can be exceptions in some cases and when you have to get something completed urgently but it cannot be the case every time.
4. Are your meetings making you productive?
“Why he has to call a meeting for this? “
If you have heard this term flowing around the workplace there is mostly something wrong with your working structure.
You do not have to hold meetings for small things that you can solve via mail itself. Meetings will only consume your time unnecessarily if you do not realize their purpose of them. During meetings, you are stopping production at all places which will slow down the production as a whole.
You must determine the boundaries regarding your meeting timings and schedules that have to be followed by everyone.
Let’s wrap it up!
When you want to save your employees from getting exhausted from tech overload, there have to be major changes in your workplace.
The changes will not happen overnight obviously and it will take time. Along with your team, you must decide what conditions you must imply to make things better.
You can restrict the meeting timings; you can introduce more activities to interact. When you are giving training, you must see if the courses are giving value to the employees. You must make short courses that will help the employees to comprehend and digest the knowledge easily.
Complete digital detox from technology in this age is a paradox and it is not practical. So instead make sure your employees do not feel exhausted with the current practices and it can happen by strategically designing the training program or making changes in the environment willingly.